New May 28th Update – Mafia City

In this post, I’m going to be talking about the recent May 28th Update. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:

Firstly, they’ve added a new Vigilante called Sir Takemaru who has 4 passive skills & one active skill. His first skill increases shooter health by 5% & his 2nd one increases crew defense by 5% His 3rd skill is an upgradable active skill that increases Crew Attack while attacking Turfs by 20% at level 1 & 40% at level 5. His 4 & 5th skills are passive skills that increase bulker & shooter attack & defense by 20%. Obviously, you’d wanna get him to 5 stars for the extra passive bulker & shooter attack & defense. He’s also a good vigilante for turf attacks. You can use him for attacking turfs along with other Turf Attack vigilantes like Caesar or Aniko.

Then they’ve added the Cowboy Combine Ops Effect which gives 5% Crew Attack & 10% Shooter Attack when maxed out.

They’ve also added an option to cancel invites sent & they’ve also made it so that the same leader can only be invited once per day.

They’ve also made some changes to city migration. The wounded troops in your first Aid center will not be lost when you migrate to a different city

& they’ve also fixed Las Vegas event. So now, your truce will not become inactive when you enter the battlefield.

Apparently, they’ve also inflated a lot of the daily packs. So, now you can get 200 jewelry cards & 1400 hitman coins & more than 120 hours of speed ups from the daily $5 packs.

So, those were all the new features added & changes made in this recent update.

Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patrons
Level 10 Bosses: Purple Swirl (C153), Mommy (C549), Philipp Roth, NIGHTKING (C313), Yuyul Dollkiller (C562)
Level 5 Bosses: Kamikaze77(C407), Jon Phillips, Lavialle Xavier, Jon, Pope Bathory, DJ Danny D (C440), Sidney Heath, Saharudin31, Psychaos (C158), Adam Quinn, Biggryan (C642), Chris, Sage (C519), 12cz, Fluffy (C509), J Lopez, Davide, XxXReaperXxX (C507), Wbm23, Calculated Gamer (C178), Padrino⁶⁶⁰ (C660), Nik0708, Cali Bug (C487), Casper, Punisher (C454), Achilles (C429), Don Hugo(C487), Eric Shün, Tank God, tmeee, Sidney Rich, Nicholli410 (C569) Максим Суворов, Dginny (C591), MarkDeLux (C557), Pops Buggliosi (C742), Moni, samuel brito jr, Aussie God (C126), BrianBozElloy (C549), AreZi, Tracey, iBreeZyBaby (C597), Aussie Assassin (C300), Aaron Henry, 805 Baller, The Swedish (C576), CarolFkinBaskin (C768), John Fukn Wick, cloths, One9GT, SquirrellyDan, ¥¥¥Aries¥¥¥, Rykt3r (C496), Smittyson (C716), Micado (C525), Superwog (C563), BadASSDaD (C120). If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:

So, that’s all I had for you guys in this post. I hope you guys found it helpful.

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