In this post, I’m gonna be talking about the new features added in this recent May 7th update. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:
This update is obviously one of the best updates for non-spenders because they’ve now added Hitman Coins to the list of items you get from defeating Mercenaries. You can get anywhere between 2 to 6 hitman coins per Mercenary you defeat. The number of hitman coins you get from attacking Mercenaries depends on the level of the Mercenaries you’re attacking, Level 1 Mercenaries only drop 2 coins while higher level ones have a chance of dropping more.
Apart from the Mercenary Update, they’ve also added a few new decorations. The Motorboat Ops Effect that doesn’t give any buffs, the Majestic Scorpion Ops Effect that gives 10% Bulker & Shooter Attack & the Spring Bamboo Turf Effect that also doesn’t give any buffs.
So, that was pretty much all they added in this recent update. Not a lot of new content, but still one of the best updates.
Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patrons Kamikaze77 (City 407), Jon Philips, Lavialle Xavier, Pope Bathory, DJ Danny D (City 440), Sidney Heath, Psychaos (City 158), Adam Quinn, BiggRyan (City 642), Chris, Saharudin31, Sidney Rich, Sage (City 519), Fluffy (City 509), Calculated Gamer (City 178), J Lopez, 12cz, PadrinoOfTheIRS (City 105), Nik0708, XxXReaperXxX (City 507), Casper, Cali Bug (City 487), Punisher (City 454), Achilles (City 429) , Don Hugo (City 487), Purple Swirl (City 153), Eric Shun, 3currycat, tmeee, Максим Суворов, Dginny (C591), MarkDeLux (C557), Nicholli410 (C569), Pops Buggliosi (C742), samuel brito jr, Davide, Aussie God (C126), Mommy (C98), BrianBozElloy (C549), iBreezyBaby (C597), Aussie Assassin (C300), The Swedish (C576), Christopher Bednarek, AreZi, Damien, Aaron Henry, John Fukn Wick, Wbm23, One9GT, SquirrellyDan, ¥¥¥Aries¥¥¥, Bryan Bridges, Philipp Roth, cloths, Rykt3r (C496), Yuyul Dollkiller. If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:
So, that’s all I had for you guys in this post, I hope you guys found it helpful.