Free Turf Effect? – Mafia City

In this post I’m gonna be talking about the new Christmas Eve Puzzle event which might give a few lucky player a chance to win a free turf effect. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:

Free Turf Effect? – Mafia City

The rules of this event are as follows. It is a 2 day event & during this event, you need to complete daily tasks in order to get Christmas Stockings. You can get upto 15 Christmas Stockings per day by doing the daily tasks which means you can get upto 30 stockings during this event. These stocking that you get can be used to get a random puzzle piece or another random reward.

You can also use Magic Puzzle Pieces to get extra puzzle pieces. You can purchase 40,000 gold during this event to get 1 puzzle piece & you can purchase 120,000 gold to get 4 more.

I don’t think a lot of players will get free turf effects from this event though because, first of all, not all stockings give you puzzle pieces. Another problem with this event is that puzzle piece Number 3 & Number 7 are both rare puzzle pieces which means that it’s gonna be very unlikely to get those puzzle pieces directly from the stockings, most players will have to purchase gold to get those pieces.

Also, even if you find all puzzle pieces other than 3 and 7, you’ll still have to purchase 120,000 gold to get the last 2 pieces. However, if you find 8 out of 9 pieces from the 30 stockings, you’ll only have to purchase 40,000 gold to get the turf effect which will cost you a little more than $100 & if you’re lucky enough to get all 9 pieces from the stockings then you’ll get the turf effect for free.

Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patons Kamikaze77 from city 407, Jon Philips, Zippo from City 72, Lavialle Xavier, Pope Bathory, K K, DJ Danny D, J. H, Sidney Heath, Psychaos from city 158, Adam Quinn, BiggRyan from City 642, Chris, Saharudin31, Sidney Rich, Jamsheed Karaa, Fluffy from City 509, Calculated Gamer, J Lopez & 12cz. If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:

So, that’s all I had for you guys in this post. I hope you guys found it helpful.

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