Family Reputation & Store Requirements – Mafia City

Here are tables showing you the requirements to upgrade your family reputation levels as well as your family store levels. (Figures marked with an asterisk (*) are estimates, figures marked with a double asterisk (**) are estimates that are likely to be way off)

For other requirement lists (Building Upgrades, Hitman Coins, Leader Exp, etc.), check out my post on Requirement Lists

Family Reputation:

Reputation Level Reputation  Cumulative 
Neutral              –                  –  
Neutral + 1      468,000       468,000
Neutral + 2      707,000     1,175,000
Neutral + 3   1,059,000     2,234,000
Neutral + 4   1,296,000     3,530,000
Neutral + 5   1,587,000     5,117,000
Friendly   1,942,000     7,059,000
Friendly + 1   2,378,000     9,437,000
Friendly + 2   2,910,000   12,347,000
Friendly + 3   3,562,000   15,909,000
Friendly + 4   4,361,000   20,270,000
Friendly + 5   5,337,000   25,607,000
Respect   6,533,000   32,140,000
Respect + 1   9,196,550   41,336,550
Respect + 2 11,256,550*   52,593,100
Respect + 3 13,778,050*   66,371,150
Respect + 4 16,864,350*   83,235,500
Respect + 5 20,641,350* 103,876,850
Honor 25,265,500 129,142,350
Honor + 1 30,925,800 160,068,150
Honor + 2 37,852,250 197,920,400
Honor + 3 46,332,350 244,252,750
Honor + 4 56,710,800* 300,963,550
Honor + 5 69,414,000 370,377,550
Adoration 84,962,000 455,339,550
Family Reputation Requirements

Family Store:

 Family Store Level  Exp  Cumulative 
                           1                  –                     –  
                           2         205,000           205,000
                           3         301,000           506,000
                           4         430,000**           936,000
                           5         640,000**        1,576,000
                           6         843,200        2,419,200
                           7      1,144,000        3,563,200
                           8      1,471,500        5,034,700
                           9      1,887,600        6,922,300
                         10      2,524,200        9,446,500
                         11      3,165,000      12,611,500
                         12      4,008,000      16,619,500
                         13      5,153,800      21,773,300
Family Store Requirements

For other requirement lists (Building Upgrades, Hitman Coins, Leader Exp, etc.), check out my post on Requirement Lists

4 thoughts on “Family Reputation & Store Requirements – Mafia City”

  1. Hello Flavio,

    I have just reached Honor 1 with Geondal and I’m supposed to get 50% Shooter Attack but I do not seem to have got this do you know why?


  2. Bonjour Flavio. J’aimerais comprendre. J’ai cru savoir qu’il fallait être amical +2 dans chaques familles pour que les attributs s’additionnent. Est ce vrai ? Merci d’avance pour ta réponse.

  3. Hello Flavio

    Thank for the information you provide about Mafia City

    Can I ask how to develop the other families reputation?
    Do I have to switch families in order to open up the development tabs in each?

    And if so, at what level should I switch ?

    Thank you

    1. I’d suggest switching at Friendly + 1 so you unlock both the vigilante & babe of that family. increasing your reputation level also allows you to invest in more family businesses

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