Family Business Requirements (Family Gold) – Mafia City

Here’s a post showing you the requirements for unlocking / upgrading all family business investments (including the cost of unlocking Tier 11 troops / T11 troops) in the game. (Figures marked with an asterisk (*) are estimates)

For other requirement lists (Building Upgrades, Hitman Coins, Leader Exp, etc.), check out my post on Requirement Lists

Family Members (For unlocking T11s):

Family Members (T11)Level Family Reputation Level Family Gold Cost  No of investments  Total Cost 
Crew Attack, Defense & Health1Neutral                15,250                       24    366,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health2Neutral                16,750                       24    402,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health3Neutral                18,500                       24    444,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health4Neutral                20,500                       24    492,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health5Neutral                22,750                       24    546,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health6Neutral                25,250                       24    606,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health7Neutral                28,000                       24    672,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health8Neutral                31,000                       24    744,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health9Neutral                34,250                       24    822,000
Crew Attack, Defense & Health10Neutral                37,750                       24    906,000
Total                250,000                     240 6,000,000
T111Neutral + 4              258,943                         4 1,035,772
Total                258,943                         4 1,035,772
Adv Skill1Neutral                20,000                         4      80,000
Adv Skill2Neutral                30,000                         4    120,000
Adv Skill3Neutral                45,000                         4    180,000
Adv Skill4Neutral                65,000                         4    260,000
Adv Skill5Neutral                90,000                         4    360,000
Total                250,000                       20 1,000,000
Grand Total                758,943                     264 8,035,772
Cost of unlocking all 4 T11s             7,035,772  
Cost of 1 T11             1,758,943  
Family Members

For other requirement lists (Building Upgrades, Hitman Coins, Leader Exp, etc.), check out my post on Requirement Lists

Family Battles:

Family BattlesLevel Family Reputation Level Family Gold Cost  No of investments  Total Cost 
Crew Defense1Neutral                  1,539                       16       24,624
Crew Defense2Neutral + 1                  2,836                       16       45,376
Crew Defense3Neutral + 2                  4,284                       16       68,544
Crew Defense4Neutral + 4                  7,854                       16      125,664
Crew Defense5Friendly                11,769                       16      188,304
Crew Defense6Friendly + 2                17,636                       16      282,176
Crew Defense7Friendly + 5                32,346                       16      517,536
Crew Defense8Respect + 2                59,322                       16      949,152
Crew Defense9Honor              133,154                       16   2,130,464
Crew Defense10Honor + 4              298,873                       16   4,781,968
Total                569,613                     160   9,113,808
Offensive Injury1Neutral + 1                  2,526                         4       10,104
Offensive Injury2Neutral + 2                  3,817                         4       15,268
Offensive Injury3Neutral + 3                  5,718                         4       22,872
Offensive Injury4Neutral + 5                  8,570                         4       34,280
Offensive Injury5Friendly + 1                12,841                         4       51,364
Offensive Injury6Friendly + 3                19,235                         4       76,940
Offensive Injury7Respect                35,279                         4      141,116
Offensive Injury8Respect + 3                64,699                         4      258,796
Offensive Injury9Honor + 1              145,221                         4      580,884
Offensive Injury10Honor + 5              325,956                         4   1,303,824
Total                623,862                       40   2,495,448
Crew Health1Neutral + 1                  2,526                       16       40,416
Crew Health2Neutral + 2                  3,817                       16       61,072
Crew Health3Neutral + 3                  5,718                       16       91,488
Crew Health4Neutral + 5                  8,570                       16      137,120
Crew Health5Friendly + 1                12,841                       16      205,456
Crew Health6Friendly + 3                19,235                       16      307,760
Crew Health7Respect                35,279                       16      564,464
Crew Health8Respect + 3                64,699                       16   1,035,184
Crew Health9Honor + 1              145,221                       16   2,323,536
Crew Health10Honor + 5              325,956                       16   5,215,296
Total                623,862                     160   9,981,792
Crew Attack1Neutral + 2                  3,382                       16       54,112
Crew Attack2Neutral + 3                  5,066                       16       81,056
Crew Attack3Neutral + 4                  6,200                       16       99,200
Crew Attack4Friendly                  9,291                       16      148,656
Crew Attack5Friendly + 2                13,922                       16      222,752
Crew Attack6Friendly + 4                20,865                       16      333,840
Crew Attack7Respect + 1                38,261                       16      612,176
Crew Attack8Respect + 4                70,160                       16   1,122,560
Crew Attack9Honor + 2              157,483                       16   2,519,728
Crew Attack10Adoration              353,482                       16   5,655,712
Total                678,112                     160 10,849,792
Counter Resistance1Neutral + 3                  8,136                         4       32,544
Counter Damage1Neutral + 5                13,561                         4       54,244
Family Resistance1Neutral + 5                97,648                         4      390,592
Family Attack1Friendly + 1              119,348                         4      477,392
Total                238,693                       16      954,772
Adv Offensive Injury1Neutral + 3                  3,593                         4       14,372
Adv Offensive Injury2Friendly                  6,590                         4       26,360
Adv Offensive Injury3Friendly + 4                14,800                         4       59,200
Adv Offensive Injury4Respect + 4                49,768                         4      199,072
Adv Offensive Injury5Adoration              250,742                         4   1,002,968
Total                325,493                       20   1,301,972
Adv Offensive Defense1Neutral + 3                  3,593                         4       14,372
Adv Offensive Defense2Friendly                  6,590                         4       26,360
Adv Offensive Defense3Friendly + 4                14,800                         4       59,200
Adv Offensive Defense4Respect + 4                49,768                         4      199,072
Adv Offensive Defense5Adoration              250,742                         4   1,002,968
Total                325,493                       20   1,301,972
Grand Total             3,385,128                     576 35,999,556
Family Battles

For other requirement lists (Building Upgrades, Hitman Coins, Leader Exp, etc.), check out my post on Requirement Lists

Family Training:

Family TrainingFamily Reputation LevelLevel  Family Gold Cost  No of investments  Total Cost 
Crew DefenseNeutral1                  2,400                       16       38,400
Crew DefenseNeutral + 12                  2,600                       16       41,600
Crew DefenseNeutral + 23                  3,100                       16       49,600
Crew DefenseNeutral + 34                  4,000                       16       64,000
Crew DefenseNeutral + 55                  5,600                       16       89,600
Crew DefenseFriendly + 16                  8,400                       16      134,400
Crew DefenseFriendly + 47                13,400                       16      214,400
Crew DefenseRespect + 18                22,700                       16      363,200
Crew DefenseRespect + 59                40,800                       16      652,800
Crew DefenseHonor + 310                77,500                       16   1,240,000
Total                180,500                     160   2,888,000
Crew DamageNeutral + 41                60,000                         4      240,000
Total                  60,000                         4      240,000
Crew AttackNeutral + 21                  3,500                       16       56,000
Crew AttackNeutral + 32                  3,900                       16       62,400
Crew AttackNeutral + 43                  4,600                       16       73,600
Crew AttackNeutral + 54                  6,000                       16       96,000
Crew AttackFriendly5                  8,400                       16      134,400
Crew AttackFriendly + 26                12,500                       16      200,000
Crew AttackFriendly + 57                20,000                       16      320,000
Crew AttackRespect + 28                34,000                       16      544,000
Crew AttackHonor9                61,200                       16      979,200
Crew AttackHonor + 410              116,300                       16   1,860,800
Total                270,400                     160   4,326,400
Social ConnectionNeutral + 41                60,000                         4      240,000
Total                  60,000                         4      240,000
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionNeutral + 21                  3,900                       16       62,400
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionNeutral + 32                  4,300                       16       68,800
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionNeutral + 43                  5,100                       16       81,600
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionNeutral + 54                  6,700                       16      107,200
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionFriendly5                  9,300                       16      148,800
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionFriendly + 26                13,900                       16      222,400
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionFriendly + 57                22,300                       16      356,800
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionRespect + 28                37,900*                       16      606,400
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionHonor9                68,000                       16   1,088,000
Enemy Crew Attack ReductionHonor + 410              129,200                       16   2,067,200
Total                300,600                     160   4,809,600
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionNeutral + 21                  4,300                       16       68,800
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionNeutral + 32                  4,700                       16       75,200
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionNeutral + 43                  5,600                       16       89,600
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionNeutral + 54                  7,300                       16      116,800
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionFriendly5                10,200                       16      163,200
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionFriendly + 26                15,300                       16      244,800
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionFriendly + 57                24,500                       16      392,000
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionRespect + 28                41,700*                       16      667,200
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionHonor9                74,800                       16   1,196,800
Enemy Crew Defense ReductionHonor + 410              142,100                       16   2,273,600
Total                330,500                     160   5,288,000
Crew HealthNeutral + 21                  5,400                       16       86,400
Crew HealthNeutral + 32                  6,000                       16       96,000
Crew HealthNeutral + 43                  7,200                       16      115,200
Crew HealthNeutral + 54                  9,300                       16      148,800
Crew HealthFriendly5                13,000                       16      208,000
Crew HealthFriendly + 26                19,500                       16      312,000
Crew HealthFriendly + 57                31,100                       16      497,600
Crew HealthRespect + 28                52,900                       16      846,400
Crew HealthHonor9                95,200                       16   1,523,200
Crew HealthHonor + 410              180,800                       16   2,892,800
Total                420,400                     160   6,726,400
Grand Total             1,622,400                     808 24,518,400
Family Training

For other requirement lists (Building Upgrades, Hitman Coins, Leader Exp, etc.), check out my post on Requirement Lists

CategoryFamily Gold Required
Family Members (T11)


Family Battles


Family Training





If you want to download the excel sheet showing you these requirements, you can find that on my Patreon

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