In this post, I’m gonna be explaining how the Clan Tournament works. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:
Earlier they used to have this event called the clan contest where clans would compete against each other to win the event & get some garbage rewards. However, that event has now been replaced by the Clan Tournament which has slightly better rewards. So, the clan tournament shares a lot in common with the clan contest, especially the way the battles work in this event.
The clan tournament lasts for 7 days in total & there are 3 phases to this event.
There’s the Registration Phase which lasts for 2 days & requires players of the clan to register for this event. While registering leaders are required to set the formation that they’re gonna use in this event just like in the clan contest. Unfortunately, you do not get a 50% march size buff automatically when you register for this event like you would during the clan tournament. So, while setting your formations, you’d want to use march buffs & the ringleader skill along with attack & defense buffs. You also get to select the route in which you want to be registered. There can only be 10 players per route. In case more than 10 players register for a particular route, then the top 10 players with the highest powers will be selected. The last 30 minutes of the Registration Phase will be the Grouping Phase where clans will be placed into groups & no one will be able to register during this phase. So make sure you register before the grouping phase starts.
The 2nd phase is the Battle Phase which has 9 rounds, each lasting 6 hours. There will usually be 10 clans per group so you’ll get to face all the 9 clans that you’re up against during the event. During this phase, the R4s & R5 will be allowed to adjust the 3 routes. This is similar to adjusting your 3v3 formation where you can adjust which player goes first, 2nd and last. In the same way here, the R4s & R5 can adjust which route goes first, 2nd & last. However, players within the routes can not be changed. The battle will take place during the last 5 minutes of each round so you won’t be able to make any adjustments during this period.
The battle is very similar to the clan contest. The routes of both clan will go up against each other based on the positioning done by the R4s & R5s. The first players of both routes will go up against each other & the winner of the battle will face the next player in the other clan’s route with their remaining troops. A player can only eliminate upto 3 players from the tournament after which they’ll be eliminated automatically & the next player in the route will get to fight. The route that successfully eliminates all players of the enemy route will win the flag for that route.
At the end of each round the side with the most flags will get 3 event points. The rules also mention that in case both sides have the same amount of flags, they’ll both get 1 event point which sounds impossible since there are 3 flags. However, I think that’s only possible in case both clans have at least one empty route.
Finally once all 9 rounds end, the rewards phase begins where players can claim their rewards from this event. Rewards can be obtained based on the clan’s rank in the group and also the tier level of the clan. There are 12 tiers in total, starting from bronze 1 all the way upto diamond 3. Each tier has different promotion requirements & rewards.
& You can also get some individual rewards based on the number of kills you get during this event. The battles in this event do not result in actual injuries or losses, so don’t worry too while registering for this event.
So, that’s pretty much how the clan tournament works.
Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patrons
Level 10 Bosses: Purple Swirl (C153), Mommy (C549), Philipp Roth, NIGHTKING (C313), Yuyul Dollkiller (C562), Kamikaze77(C407), Hero ¥ (C898), KO Boss (C590), PWA80, Viper QTR
Level 5 Bosses: Jon Phillips, Lavialle Xavier, Jon, DJ Danny D (C440), Sidney Heath, Saharudin31, Psychaos (C158), Adam Quinn, Biggryan (C642), Chris, Sage (C519), 12cz, Fluffy (C509), J Lopez, Davide, XxXReaperXxX (C507), Wbm23, Calculated Gamer (C178), Padrino⁶⁶⁰ (C660), Nik0708, Cali Bug (C602), Casper, Punisher (C454), Achilles (C429), Don Hugo(C313), Eric Shün, Tank God, tmeee, Sidney Rich, Nicholli410 (C569) Максим Суворов, Dginny (C591), MarkDeLux (C557), Pops Buggliosi (C742), Moni, samuel brito jr, Aussie God (C126), BrianBozElloy (C549), AreZi, Tracey, Aussie Assassin (C300), Aaron Henry, 805 Baller, The Swedish (C576), CarolFkinBaskin (C768), John Fukn Wick, cloths, One9GT, William WalkerSquirrellyDan, ¥¥¥Aries¥¥¥, Rykt3r (C496), Smittyson (C716), Superwog (C563),Ereboz, BadASSDaD (C120), Derrick Wong (C216), 601money (C927), Podo100 (C793), Harley Quinn (C735), Thanachote Boonmechote, Doctor (C361), Julia313, Anubis, verbeurke16, Daryl Parrett, Micado (C525). If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:
So, that’s all I have for you guys in this post. I hope you found it helpful.