Slammer Tips – Mafia City

In this post, I’m going to be showing you a few tips for the slammer that will help you save energy & speed ups. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:

Slammer Tips – Mafia City

If you wanna reach higher in the slammer, it’s seems pretty obvious that you should use your energy to skip all the initial floors so you can save your full march for the floor that you couldn’t beat. However, doing this normally costs players a lot of energy. If you want to save your energy & still be left with almost a full march at the end then you should probably consider beating the first few floors by yourself & only using your energy for the remaining floors.

The first few floors are normally very easy to beat & you don’t lose too many troops clearing them. Depending upon your strength you should be able to beat the first 15 to 30 floors without suffering too many losses. Once you realize that you losing too many troops, you’d want to stop & use your energy to clear the remaining floors. This way, you’ll almost have a full march at the final floor & you’ll also save a lot of stamina. If you clear 20 floors daily before using your energy, you should be able to save 100 energy per day which is worth at least 300 gold.

The second tip is for saving your healing speed ups. If you’re low on healing speed ups, you’d probably want to space out your slammer attacks little instead of doing all of them at the same time. This way, you can start healing your troops after you do a big attack in the slammer & then you can return to the slammer continue with the attacks once the healing is finished. If you’re not very active in the game I wouldn’t recommend doing this as it could be very time consuming. And there’s also a high chance that you might forget to return to the slammer.

The third tip is for players that use buffs while doing the slammer. If you ever choose to use buffs in the slammer. Make sure you use those buffs a few hours before the reset time. This way, you get to use buffs for 2 slammer runs & not just one. For example, if you use the 4 hour 50% March Buff 2 hours before the reset. You can do first slammer run with the buff anytime before the reset & you’ll also be able to do a second run immediately after the reset since your buff will still be active.

So, those were all the tips that I had for you guys in this post. By the way, these were not my ideas. Someone else had shared these ideas with me a long time ago. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the person that shared these tips with me to give them a shoutout in this post.

Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patrons Kamikaze77 (City 407), Jon Philips, Lavialle Xavier, Pope Bathory, K K, DJ Danny D (City 440), Sidney Heath, Psychaos (City 158), Adam Quinn, BiggRyan (City 642), Chris, Saharudin31, Sidney Rich, Sage (City 519), Fluffy (City 509), Calculated Gamer (City 178), J Lopez, 12cz, PadrinoOfTheIRS (City 105), Nik0708, XxXReaperXxX (City 507), Casper, Cali Bug (City 487), Punisher (City 454), Achilles (City 429) , Don Hugo (City 487), Purple Swirl (City 153), Eric Shun, 3currycat, Tank God, Vina Tiger. If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:

So, that’s all I have for you guys in this post. Hope you guys found it helpful.

4 thoughts on “Slammer Tips – Mafia City”

  1. SVIP 5 and above activates the “AutoBreak” feature that automatically attacks the prison guard level of your choice until all your troops are dead. It is quick and easy for those who get bored with the slammer and it is available on the H5 version (mobile version I do not know). I use it to get all the easy rewards and then I have 3 choices. 1: That is enough for this week because the prison is boring. 2: Pay 1000 gold and start fresh from that level. 3: Come back next day, use energy and start from that level. There is a fourth choice. Press stop on the autobreak before you are dead then heal up and continue normally. I love the Autobreak feature.

    1. I agree. The auto break feature is great too. I don’t use it though since there’s a faster way to do the slammer in a few minutes on the mobile version that I’ve only shared on my patreon. But yes, if you grind the slammer normally, you should use the auto feature for the first few floors at least

  2. Hey Bro, thanks for another good post. As far as clearing the early floors to save energy goes…do you think we get more or less rewards from using easy instead of hard… Obviously you get more the first time through, but I’m specifically wondering about the daily follow through.

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