In this post, I’m gonna be talking about all the new features added in this recent October 15th Update. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:
First, they’ve added a new battle vigilante called the director who has 2 passive & 3 active skills.
His first skill is a passive skill that increases bulker attack by 5%, his 2nd skill is again a passive skill that reduces enemy crew attack by 5%. This remaining skills are all active skills. His 3rd skill gives you 10% Crew Health, his 4th skill 10,000 ops capacity. Finally his fifth skill is an upgradable skill that increases biker attack by 15% & Crew Attack by 5% at level 1. i.e. you can get a 20% biker attack boost just from the level 1 skill. So, I’m assuming that you’ll at least be able to get a 50% biker attack buff at level 5 which should make him excellent to use in marches that use bikers. I’d classify him as gold for rider as well as combater + rider marches in my vigilante tier list & for other marches I’d classify him as purple because of the Crew Attack & Heath buffs as well as the ops size buff.
They’ve also increased the Maximum level of certain babe skill to level 7. Most skills require 20,700 points to go from level 6 to level 7. That is around 11,500 jewelry cards or about $230 per skill upgrade.
They’ve also increased the maximum level of the slammer from floor 72 to floor 80. So, now you can go much higher in the slammer to get better rewards.
Finally, as usual, they’ve also added a few new decorations.
They’ve added a new turf effect called the Mafia Celebration turf effect that doesn’t give any buffs as well as the Halloween Carnival Combined Turf Effect that gives you 10% Biker & Shooter Attack when maxed out.
So, those were pretty much all the new features that were added in this recent update.
Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patrons
Level 10 Bosses: Purple Swirl (C153), Philipp Roth, NIGHTKING (C313), Yuyul Dollkiller (C562), Kamikaze77(C407), Hero ¥ (C898), KO Boss (C590), PWA80, BadASSDaD (C120), عبدالله آلسبيعيء, ₦ï¢₭¥ ĐɆɆ (C751), AscMirzo, Thoress, kalhouli (C837), [Oldboy], Divine Self (C935), Zubair Rafique
Level 5 Bosses: Jon Phillips, Lavialle Xavier, DJ Danny D (C440), Sidney Heath, Saharudin31, Psychaos (C158), Adam Quinn, Chris, Sage (C519), 12cz, Fluffy (C509), J Lopez, Davide, XxXReaperXxX (C507), Wbm23, Calculated Gamer (C178), Padrino⁶⁶⁰ (C660), Nik0708, Cali Bug (C602), Casper, Punisher (C454), Achilles (C429), Don Hugo(C313), Eric Shün, Tank God, tmeee, Sidney Rich, Nicholli410 (C569) Максим Суворов, Dginny (C591), MarkDeLux (C557), Pops Buggliosi (C742), Moni, samuel brito jr, Aussie God (C126), BrianBozElloy (C549), AreZi, Tracey, Aussie Assassin (C300), Aaron Henry, 805 Baller, The Swedish (C576), CarolFkinBaskin (C768), John Fukn Wick, cloths, One9GT, SquirrellyDan, ¥¥¥Aries¥¥¥, Rykt3r (C496), Smittyson (C716), Superwog (C176), Derrick Wong (C216), 601money (C927), Podo100 (C793), Harley Quinn (C735), Doctor (C361), Julia313, Anubis, verbeurke16, Daryl Parrett, Micado (C469), LW, Gaddafi, Enriico Monti, J Silent M, Stitch (C361), CUTIESHORT, Chris Quake, Zippo (C72), Dana Perry, Temperance 77 (C249), António Pimenta, William Perry, Everlasting, Jaffe De Jaffe (C950), Malachi3, City 124, EmilyGrace. If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:
So, that’s all I had for you guys in this video. I hope you guys found the video helpful. Thanks for watching the video guys & I’ll see y’all in the next one.
i think him at 5 star could cause some damage who would you send him im waitin for you to do video on his wife the new vig