Russian Victory Day Event – Mafia City

In this post I’m going to be talking about the Russian Victory Day Event. You can either watch this video or continue reading this post:

The Russian Victory Day event requires you to collect ribbons & carnations to get rewards. You can visit upto 50 veterans per day to get 50 ribbons which cost 5 energy each & you can raid upto 10 Braziers per day to get 10 Carnations which cost 10 energy each.

You can use these ribbons & carnations that you collect at the statue to get a vicory day gift box. The gift box can give you some useful items like godfather coins. So even though this event costs a lot of energy I still think it’s worth doing it.

Also, you can get upto 20 Holiday Gift boxes per day by tapping the crew members at the Courtyard in the turf.

So, overall, I don’t think this is a bad event. Even though the rewards from the raids are quite terrible, you still get some good rewards from the victory day gift boxes.

Before I end this post, I’d like to thank my patrons Kamikaze77 (City 407), Jon Philips, Lavialle Xavier, Pope Bathory, DJ Danny D (City 440), Sidney Heath, Psychaos (City 158), Adam Quinn, BiggRyan (City 642), Chris, Saharudin31, Sidney Rich, Sage (City 519), Fluffy (City 509), Calculated Gamer (City 178), J Lopez, 12cz, PadrinoOfTheIRS (City 105), Nik0708, XxXReaperXxX (City 507), Casper, Cali Bug (City 487), Punisher (City 454), Achilles (City 429) , Don Hugo (City 487), Purple Swirl (City 153), Eric Shun, 3currycat, tmeee, Максим Суворов, Dginny (C591), MarkDeLux (C557), Nicholli410 (C569), Pops Buggliosi (C742), samuel brito jr, Davide, Aussie God (C126), Mommy (C98), BrianBozElloy (C549), iBreezyBaby (C597), Aussie Assassin (C300), The Swedish (C576), Christopher Bednarek, AreZi, Damien, Aaron Henry, John Fukn Wick, Wbm23, One9GT, SquirrellyDan, ¥¥¥Aries¥¥¥, Bryan Bridges, Philipp Roth, cloths, Rykt3r (C496), Yuyul Dollkiller, Smittyson. If you wanna support me on patreon, here’s the link:

So, that’s all I had for you guys in this post, I hope you guys found it helpful.

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