Godfather Family Dynasty – Troop Stats Comparison

In this post, I’ll be displaying the stats of troops of all types, tiers and stars. It’ll help you decide whether you should max out the stars of the lower tier troops before upgrading the stars of the higher tier troops or whether you should focus on upgrading the higher tiers first & ignore maxing out the lower tiers.

Here’s the video that I made on this topic:

Let’s take a look at the stats of all troop types one by one:


Assassins (Defense: 20)
Tier 0 star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star Upgrade Effect Advantage
Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP
Tier 1 34 350 46 470 58 590 70 710 12 120
Tier 2 65 670 78 800 91 930 104 1060 117 1190 13 130 T1+3
Tier 3 89 910 103 1050 117 1190 131 1330 145 1470 159 1610 14 140 T2+2
Tier 4 126 1300 141 1450 156 1600 171 1750 186 1900 201 2050 216 2200 15 150 T3+3
Tier 5 174 1785 191 1960 208 2135 225 2310 242 2485 259 2660 276* 2835* 17 175 T4+4
Tier 6 236 2415 257 2625* 278* 2835 299 3045 320 3255 341 3465 362 3675 21 210 T5+4
Tier 7 311 3185 335 3430 359 3675 383 3920 407 4165 431 4410 455 4655 24 245 T6+4


Bombers (Defense: 10)
Tier 0 star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star Upgrade Effect Advantage
Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP
Tier 1 33 250 44 330 55 410 66 490 11 80
Tier 2 63 480 75 570 87 660 99 750 111 840 12 90 T1+3
Tier 3 86 650 99 750 112 850 125 950 138 1050 151 1150 13 100 T2+2
Tier 4 123 930 137 1040 151 1150 165 1260 179 1370 193 1480 207 1590 14 110 T3+3
Tier 5 167 1275 184 1400 201 1525 218 1650 235 1775 252 1900 269 2025 17 125 T4+4
Tier 6 227 1725 247 1875 267 2025 287 2175 307 2325 327 2475 347 2625 20 150 T5+4
Tier 7 299 2275 322 2450 345 2625 368 2800 391 2975 414 3150 437 3325 23 175 T6+4


Massacres (Defense: 10)
Tier 0 star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star Upgrade Effect Advantage
Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP
Tier 1 39 300 53 400 67 500 81 600 14 100
Tier 2 75 570 90 680 105 790 120 900 135 1010 15 110 T1+3
Tier 3 101 780 117 900 133 1020 149 1140 165 1260 181 1380 16 120 T2+2
Tier 4 144 1110 161 1240 178 1370 195 1500 212 1630 229 1760 246 1890 17 130 T3+3
Tier 5 198 1530 218 1680 238 1830 258 1980 278 2130 298 2280 318 2430 20 150 T4+4
Tier 6 268 2070 291 2250 314 2430 337 2610 360 2790 383 2970 406 3150 23 180 T5+4
Tier 7 353 2730 380 2940 407 3150 434 3360 461 3570 488 3780 515 3990 27 210 T6+4


Drive-bys (Defense: 5)
Tier 0 star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star Upgrade Effect Advantage
Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP Attack HP
Tier 1
Tier 2 70 460 84 550 98 640 112 730 126 820 14 90
Tier 3 94 620 109 720 124 820 139 920 154 1020 169 1120 15 100 T2+2
Tier 4 134 890 150 1000 166 1110 182 1220 198 1330 214 1440 230 1550 16 110 T3+3
Tier 5 184 1220 202 1340 220 1460 238 1580 256 1700 274 1820 292 1940 18 120 T4+4
Tier 6 248 1660 270 1800 292 1940 314 2080 336 2220 358 2360 380 2500 22 140 T5+4
Tier 7 328 2180 353 2350 378 2520 403 2690 428 2860 453 3030 478 3200 25 170 T6+4

The first column shows you the troop tier. The next 7 columns show you the attack and HP of troops at 0 to 6 stars. The upgrade effect column shows you the amount by which the attack and HP will increase for every star upgrade and the advantage required column shows you the star advantage that troops one tier lower would need to beat troops one tier higher than them. (For example, in case of tier 4 troops the star advantage is T3+3 which means that you need T3s with 3 stars more than T4 troops to be able to defeat T4s)

*There’s only one exception in which case the advantage required is different from the one shown in the column & that is in case of 2 star tier 6 assassins in which case even a 4 star advantage with tier 5 assassins wouldn’t allow you to beat them.

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